Engineering Graduates will be able to:
Engineering knowledge: Apply the information on math, science, designing basics, and a designing specialization to the arrangement of complex designing issues.
Problem analysis: Identify, define, audit research writing, and examine complex designing issues arriving at validated resolutions utilizing first standards of math, common sciences, and design sciences.
Design/development of solutions: Design answers for complex designing issues and plan framework parts or cycles that meet the predetermined necessities with suitable thought for the general wellbeing and security, and the social, cultural, and ecological contemplations.
Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based information and exploration techniques including the plan of trials, investigation and understanding of information, and union of the data to give substantial ends.
Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply suitable procedures, assets, and present-day designing and IT devices including forecast and demonstrating to complex designing exercises with a comprehension of the impediments.
The engineer and society: Apply thinking educated by the context-oriented information to evaluate cultural, wellbeing, security, lawful and social issues and the subsequent duties pertinent to the expert designing practice.
Environment and sustainability: Understand the effect of the expert designing arrangements in cultural and natural settings, and show the information on, and need for the maintainable turn of events.
Ethics: Apply moral standards and focus on proficient morals and obligations and standards of the designing practice.
Individual and teamwork: Function successfully as an individual, and as a part of a pioneer in diverse groups, and in multidisciplinary settings.
Communication: Communicate viably on complex designing exercises with the designing local area and with society everywhere, for example, having the option to appreciate and compose successful reports and plan documentation, make viable introductions, and give and get clear guidelines.
Project management and finance: Demonstrate information and comprehension of the designing and the board standards and apply these to one's work, as a part and pioneer in a group, to oversee projects and in multidisciplinary conditions.
Life-long learning: Recognize the requirement for, and have the planning and capacity to take part in autonomous and long-lasting learning in the broadest setting of mechanical change.
The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering has a fine mix of experienced just as youthful and dynamic characters as the workforce, is engaged with giving quality instruction at the Undergraduate (UG) level. They have a persistent responsibility towards students, helping them learn, develop, and create and accomplish their objectives, regardless of whether it is turning into a teacher, a business person, or joining the industry. The exploration interests of the employees incorporate a wide extent of sub-orders of Electrical Engineering. Coordinated effort with employees from different orders, both inside and outside the organization, is empowered. The lab offices and the foundation are routinely updated and are very much upheld by the establishment and the business.
- Annual Seat Intake- 60
- Tuition Fee- Rs. 117,200
The division is effectively occupied with showing exercises in the field of Power Systems, High Voltage Engineering, Advance Control Systems, Power Electronics and Drives, Signal Processing and Energy Studies. It has an expansive based UG educational plan. The schedules of the courses are constantly refreshed and the labs modernized to mirror the fast changes in innovation. Our college students are drawn from across India. To accomplish worldwide norms in the field of Electrical and Electronics Engineering to limit ability hole among the scholarly community and industry.
The division aims to understand the vision through the accompanying mission: Imparting quality specialized instruction to the students of Electrical and Electronics Engineering with the strong climate, setting them up for serious tests for advanced education, work, and business person rehearses. To deliberate the students with proficient disposition, research inclination, specialized and relational abilities with affectability towards the climate and society.
Program instructive goals are to prepare the students of Electrical and Electronics Engineering with key information on science and innovation to dominate in their vocation or seek after higher examinations. To instill inventive, logical and basic thinking abilities for certifiable difficulties. To add to society with expert and social morals. To ingrain the students with delicate abilities, cooperation abilities, authority characteristics and deep-rooted learning for effective vocation.
Program Specific Outcomes of EEE are to apply the standards of fundamental sciences and Electrical and Electronics Engineering to configuration, investigate and take care of issues in the center/multi-disciplinary zones. Apply the gained specialized information for seeking after higher examinations and effective expert profession in the field of Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
Pass 12th Class in CBSE's 10+2 pattern or similar with a minimum of 55 percent combined in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics if the candidate has passed each subject separately. In addition, the candidate must have passed the qualifying test for English as a subject of study (core, elective, or functional).
All candidates must take the National Testing Agency's Joint Entrance Exam (JEE) Main Paper 1 to be considered (NTA). The University will not hold its own CET for admissions, instead relying on the JEE Main Paper 1 merit for admissions. Admissions would be given based on merit / rank in the JEE.
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After the registration , all india rank is given to all candidates based on JEE mains score. The cut off for admission is decided as per counselling process. The cut off are different for Delhi Quota and non Delhi Quota students. Usually, cut off is higher ( means lesser competition) for Delhi region candidate vis a vis Outside Delhi candidates. For management quota seats, admissions are given on criteria set up by institute.
Cut off of the year 2021 - 22 is as follows
Delhi General - Min Rank - 78032.00 Max Rank - 208100.00
Outside Delhi General - Min Rank - 59966.00 Max Rank - 71474.00
Delhi Scheduled Cast - Min Rank - 741605.00 Max Rank - 741605.00
OUTSIDE DELHI SCHEDULED CASTE - Min Rank - 320234.00 Max Rank - 381552.00