Engineering Graduates will be able to:

Engineering knowledge: Apply the information on math, science, designing basics, and a designing specialization to the arrangement of complex designing issues.  

Problem analysis: Identify, define, audit research writing, and examine complex designing issues arriving at validated resolutions utilizing first standards of math, common sciences, and design sciences.  

Design/development of solutions: Design answers for complex designing issues and plan framework parts or cycles that meet the predetermined necessities with suitable thought for the general wellbeing and security, and the social, cultural, and ecological contemplations.  

Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based information and exploration techniques including the plan of trials, investigation and understanding of information, and union of the data to give substantial ends.  

Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply suitable procedures, assets, and present-day designing and IT devices including forecast and demonstrating to complex designing exercises with a comprehension of the impediments.  

The engineer and society: Apply thinking educated by the context-oriented information to evaluate cultural, wellbeing, security, lawful and social issues and the subsequent duties pertinent to the expert designing practice.  

Environment and sustainability: Understand the effect of the expert designing arrangements in cultural and natural settings, and show the information on, and need for the maintainable turn of events.  

Ethics: Apply moral standards and focus on proficient morals and obligations and standards of the designing practice.  

Individual and teamwork: Function successfully as an individual, and as a part of a pioneer in diverse groups, and in multidisciplinary settings.  

Communication: Communicate viably on complex designing exercises with the designing local area and with society everywhere, for example, having the option to appreciate and compose successful reports and plan documentation, make viable introductions, and give and get clear guidelines.  

Project management and finance: Demonstrate information and comprehension of the designing and the board standards and apply these to one's work, as a part and pioneer in a group, to oversee projects and in multidisciplinary conditions.   

Life-long learning: Recognize the requirement for, and have the planning and capacity to take part in autonomous and long-lasting learning in the broadest setting of mechanical change.  
